Example Case Wins
The attorneys at Zeliff | Watson have a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for thousands of clients. Below, you’ll find examples of cases like yours, where we’ve successfully had charges dismissed, acquitted, or reduced to the best possible results. We invite you to review these case examples and then schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation.
Multiple Criminal Charges Dismissed
A client was wrongfully accused of multiple serious charges, leaving their future in jeopardy. When they came to Zeliff | Watson, we immediately stepped in, analyzing every detail of the evidence and constructing a comprehensive defense. Through dedicated teamwork and relentless effort, we were able to get all charges dismissed within three months. Our client walked away with a clean record, empowered to rebuild their life free from the burden of these false accusations.
Felony Charges Dropped
A client was arrested on 11 charges, including two felonies, and faced an uncertain future. But with Zeliff | Watson’s commitment and belief in the client’s story, everything changed. The team got to work right away, scrutinizing every detail, listening intently, and refusing to rely solely on police records. Their dedication led to nearly all charges being dropped, with only two remaining—both reduced to misdemeanors.
DUI With .20 Dismissed
A client recently back from deployment faced a DUI charge with a breath result over .20, putting his career at risk. He turned to Zeliff | Watson, who quickly reviewed the evidence and built a strong defense. In court, their compelling argument convinced the judge to dismiss the charges if the client completed a treatment program. With the firm’s guidance and support, the client successfully completed the program, and the charges were dropped—saving his career and giving him a fresh start.
Preschool Employee Cleared of Criminal Charges
The attorneys at Zeliff | Watson represented a preschool employee accused of slapping a 4-year-old child, which resulted in criminal charges and a CPS/DFACS ruling barring the client from working in schools. Over the course of two years, the attorneys successfully appealed the CPS/DFACS decision, restoring the client’s eligibility to work. However, prosecutors continued to pursue the case, leading the attorneys to defend the client through an immunity hearing and a three-day jury trial.
During the trial, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson cross-examined school officials, a state medical expert, a forensic interviewer, and law enforcement, uncovering critical weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. They also presented their client’s story with compelling evidence and visuals, effectively demonstrating the facts to the jury. After just two hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, resulting in the dismissal of all charges and a complete victory for their client.
Acquittal of High-Stakes Injury Felony Case
In a felony case involving serious injury by vehicle, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson represented a client facing charges after a devastating late-night crash. The incident involved a truck veering off the road, striking a culvert, going airborne, and flipping multiple times before catching fire. The crash left their client severely injured, while the other occupant, who sustained a traumatic brain injury, was in a coma for several days and hospitalized for weeks. Blood tests revealed that both occupants had alcohol levels well above Georgia’s legal limit of 0.08.
At trial, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson focused their defense on dismantling the prosecution’s theory regarding who was driving at the time of the accident. Using forensic and physical evidence, they argued that the supposed “passenger” was actually behind the wheel. This strategy was critical, particularly because their client had reportedly told law enforcement that a third party was driving and allegedly made an incriminating statement to a nurse, which was presented during the trial.
To build a strong case, the attorneys enlisted an accident reconstruction expert and a forensic medical examiner, both of whom testified that the evidence supported their client’s claims. They also skillfully cross-examined a state expert flown in from Pennsylvania, exposing significant gaps in their testimony, which ultimately weakened the prosecution’s case.
After an intense multi-day trial, the jury acquitted the client of all driving-related charges. However, the client was found guilty of making a false statement to law enforcement about who was driving. During sentencing, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson successfully argued for the misdemeanor version of the offense, resulting in the client being placed on probation under Georgia’s first offender law.
Not Guilty Verdict
A client arrived at Zeliff | Watson burdened by a serious DUI charge—one with the potential to derail their career and future. The stakes were high, and the client’s anxiety was palpable. But the defense attorneys at Zeliff | Watson took on the case with confidence, determined to uncover the truth and fight for justice.
In the courtroom, the attorneys’ mastery of the law was nothing short of extraordinary. Armed with the official field sobriety law book, they systematically dismantled the officer’s testimony. Step by step, they highlighted the critical errors made during the field sobriety tests. Their precision and expertise left no room for ambiguity as they compelled the officer to admit to each mistake, unraveling the prosecution’s case piece by piece. The depth of their legal knowledge and sharp questioning left everyone in the courtroom in awe.
Even the courtroom bailiff couldn’t hold back, offering unsolicited praise for the attorneys’ exceptional performance. For the client, this was more than a legal battle—it was an emotional moment of feeling truly defended, possibly for the first time in their life.
As the jury delivered the words, “Not guilty,” the client’s relief was overwhelming. Their career was safeguarded, their future restored, and their faith in the justice system renewed.
This wasn’t just a one-time victory; it’s the kind of life-changing outcome that happens day in and day out at Zeliff | Watson. When the stakes are high, their dedication and expertise make all the difference.
Acquittal in Vehicular Homicide Case Involving a Bicyclist
The attorneys at Zeliff | Watson represented a client facing vehicular homicide charges following a tragic early morning accident that resulted in the death of a bicyclist. Prosecutors alleged that the client became distracted while reaching for a mug in the center console, causing the vehicle to veer right and collide with the bicyclist, who was partially in the roadway. The case centered on questions regarding both the driver’s and the bicyclist’s actions leading up to the crash.
Unlike cases where expert witnesses might strengthen the defense, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson relied solely on their ability to cross-examine the state’s witnesses. They meticulously challenged the prosecution’s testimony, exposing inconsistencies and raising doubts about the evidence presented. The case was personally handled by the county’s top prosecutor, who introduced expert testimony and an accident reconstruction in an attempt to solidify their claims.
Despite the prosecution’s aggressive efforts, the jury ultimately acquitted the client of vehicular homicide charges. Instead, the client was found guilty only of distracted driving—a minor offense resulting in a $50 fine. The defense’s success lay in shifting the focus to the proximate cause of the accident, emphasizing the bicyclist’s actions as a contributing factor. This strategic approach resonated with the jury and delivered a favorable outcome for the client.
Dismissal for Doctor in Domestic Battery Case
The attorneys at Zeliff | Watson recently represented a medical doctor charged with domestic battery against his wife in Fulton County. Complicating the situation, the client was under a no-contact bond, legally preventing him from residing with his wife. Over several months, the attorneys worked diligently to modify the bond, allowing the couple to lawfully live together again.
At the bond modification hearing, the attorneys at Zeliff | Watson successfully advocated for their client, persuading the prosecutor to place the case into pretrial diversion. This resolution required the client to complete a few hours of community service and attend a brief course. Once these conditions are met, the family violence battery charge will be formally dismissed, clearing the client’s record. This favorable outcome not only helped preserve the client’s professional reputation but also allowed the family to move forward without the weight of legal uncertainty.
Full Dismissal of Indictment in High-Stakes Criminal Case
Zeliff | Watson defended a client that was facing five years in prison. His first attorney told him the agreement would be five years in prison because he allegedly had all these images of children, like new children that were found on an old computer of his after an investigation. And anyway, I was able to come into that case and kind of start from scratch, start from square one. We hired up a forensic expert who came with me to the meeting and convinced the district attorney that there was basically, he couldn’t rely on the evidence one way or the other.
Between me and the forensic evaluator that we hired, that I brought on board, we were able to convince the DA and he ended up dismissing the indictment completely. Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean, it took several months. It took about six months from beginning to end, but we challenged, challenged the indictment, and so he dismissed some of the charges, but not all of the charges, and then we hit him up again with the forensic guy, and I just basically stayed on his ass about it until eventually he said, forget it. I’m not prosecuting any of it. So he dismissed the indictment entirely, dismissed the charges.
A Simple Process to Getting Started

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation
Schedule a free, no-obligation, and confidential case consultation in person, online, or over the phone. This will help you understand how your case can be challenged, potentially leading to a reduction, dismissal, or acquittal of your charges. Click here to schedule your case evaluation.

Meet Our Defense Team and Conduct a Case Evaluation
During your free case evaluation, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive answers and legal guidance, and collaborate with our attorneys to better understand your side of the story, gather evidence, and devise a strategy to achieve the best possible outcome for your pending criminal charges.

Start Defending Your Case
After your free case evaluation, Zeliff & Watson will assist in preserving evidence and safeguarding your rights, ensuring your protection throughout the process. The defense team will also provide a proposed fee to represent your case, with the goal of achieving the best possible outcome.